Do you have some asbestos that needs collecting?
We offer an asbestos disposal and collection service throughout the UK and can accommodate small domestic jobs through to the largest projects.
Just because asbestos is removed from a building, it doesn’t stop being dangerous!
Asbestos has to be carefully wrapped in accordance with HSE guidelines and various legislative requirements, removed from the site using specially licensed vehicles and drivers, where it is transferred to special asbestos skips prior to be sent to landfill where it is permanently encapsulated.
The collection service is particularly valuable during contracts where the asbestos waste needs to be removed from site regularly, because of site security issues or because of large scale activity which could potentially result in the waste material being disturbed.
Asbestos waste collections are carried out nationwide and daily collections for higher volume sites can be accommodated. Hazardous waste consignment notes are issued for all asbestos waste and as you would expect, sites generating waste exceeding 500 kg’s are registered asbestos waste producers, which we can do on your behalf.